January 18, 2009

Day 6

A love for Music

I have never met anyone else who has had such a love for music like Kiley did. Music was like gold to her, priceless and beautiful. She was Itunes downloading, cd burning queen! She was constantly updating her iPod, and adding new music to it. But there was a never a certain genre on there, her music ranged from country to pop, to christian to oldies. She had it all!  She hated silence, so she always had music playing. In her room at night or in the morning when she was getting ready. The first thing she did when she got up, was flip on her iPod, and the music would start playing! Also, she never left the house without her iPod! She took it with her everywhere she went! It would always be playing in her car too.
Not only did she love to listen to music on her own, but she loved to listen to music at church. This was truly Kiley's favorite way to participate in worship, and get fed with the Holy Spirit. Her heart longed for music! And now I know she is in Heaven listening to the beautiful music and walking the streets of gold! How wonderful! 


Becke' said...

I wonder what music in Heaven sounds like. Just think...the purest notes and words...uttered to the purest and best King ever. Can't wait.

Steph said...

Beautiful ending to a beautiful post!