July 30, 2009

Adopting Elliott

Elliott belongs to a friend of Treys. They bought Elliott about six months ago, Elliott is now a little over a year old. Elliott has done no harm, he's just an individual who needs some love and attention. Elliott's owner bought him because he wanted something for his kids to ride, but he has not had the time and energy to put into Elliott, that Elliott needs. The owner is tired of messing with Elliott, so word got out that if no one takes Elliott, then he will shoot him. Well, Trey verified this information, and it was true. Neither one of us can bare the thought of shooting a horse for no reason, Elliott has done nothing wrong. So, we are taking Elliott. Stupid? Yes Probably, but at least he will have a good home! Elliott is a boy.... a "MAN" so he will have to be fixed before he can come visit Miss. Kitty. I do not want a MRS. Kitty. = )

Maybe Elliott needs a different name?!? Any suggestions?
And if you have any name suggestions for the baby pony, I would love to hear them!


Kirby said...

Oh dear, you crazy! You can get him good and broke and I can come ride him!

Anonymous said...

Kirby, they are going to have so many horses, you may have to put one or two in your new back yard!!!

Kirby said...

Except I can't afford to actually HAVE a horse. That's why I'll let moneybags pay for everything.

Amelia said...

Money bags? The horse is free.... I'm broke! = ) I've always I wanted a big horse farm, i got the horses, now I just need some land and a big nice horse barn!

Suz said...

Oh girl, I would have done the same thing! That would be so incredibly sad to kill a horse just because he became an inconvenience! You're wonderful for adopting him... Hmmm, I'm not good with names but I agree he needs a new fun name! Something spunky! :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should figure out his personality before you name him...but I do like his stocking feet! Now there is a horse for each of my kids! YEAH!